A letter to you.
What a season it has been, not only in Formula 1 but also for me personally.
My love for this sport began in my childhood, when I used to watch Alonso’s races with my dad, moments that gave me so many deep memories.
As I grew older, I distanced myself from the sport, partly because it was no longer broadcast on public television and partly because my increasing commitments with studies and work meant that I moved around a lot. A few years ago our paths crossed again and it felt as if I had never left. The emotions were the same, but this time I was sharing them with friends in Milan and connecting with my family in Spain by phone.
I discovered a new facet of my passion for sport - the human side. This realisation led me to express myself through writing and design, which I had abandoned after spending the first years of my career in business.
Formula 1 became the fuel that reawakened the creativity I thought I had lost since graduating in graphic design five years ago. The lack of inspiration made me question my choice, but deep down I knew something was dormant, waiting for the right moment to emerge.
Now I understand what was missing: passion.
As a very passionate and sensitive person, I need motivation and a driving force to keep me going.
Formula 1 is that magic for me.
It may seem trivial to some, but F1 gives me stories to write, information to share and the ability to create content that not only inspires me, but has the potential to inspire others.
I started @outoftheboxf1 before the Canadian GP in June with the only purpose of sharing my thoughts on everything on and off the track, starting from scratch and working independently. Today, I continue to create content on my own, but I have a vibrant community of over 1,000 people who share the same feelings and passion.
The future is uncertain, and I don't dwell on it too much. Four months into this journey, I find myself in a place I have never expected to be.
In the early 2000s, I used to sit in my little chair and watch F1 with my dad. Now I watch it from my home in Milan, away from my family, but the passion is as strong as it was for that 7-year-old Alba. I'm surrounded by people I can't see, but with whom I share a common bond - passion.
Thanks to my parents, to my mother, who checks my content and gives me advice as the master of communication that she is. To my father, for giving me the passion and for literally sharing every one of my posts and stories.
To my friends, especially Giulio, my flatmate, who tells me to keep going when I feel like I don't belong here.
And to you, my community, thank you so much for an incredible 2023. I can't wait to share whatever 2024 brings with you.
Myself at my first GP, Monza 2023